North Surrey Gospel Chapel is organizing a Spring Conference for families. We are excited to invite you to join us on Sunday, March 17 as we explore our 2024 theme.
Standing Strong in a Chaotic World
Join us this spring for a one day mini Conference on Sunday 17th March This one day conference is designed for families to spend focused time in His Word, be quiet in His presence, enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship.
We are living at a time when everything seems to be going sideways but as we look to Jesus with all our heart, mind and soul, our faith will be strengthened in this chaotic world.
Practical, in-depth Bible teaching
Separate Breakout Session for the men and women ladies with Wendy and Jurgen Schulz
Congregational singing and fellowship with believers
Enjoy snack and light lunch
09:15 AM
|Breaking of bread
10:30 AM
| SESSION 1: Opening Session by Jurgen
10:45 AM
11:30 AM
| SESSION 2: Standing Strong in a Chaotic World (Family hour)
12:30 PM
02:00 PM
| SESSION 3: Separate Breakout session for Women and Men
Standing Strong as a Woman in a Chaotic World by Wendy
Standing Strong as a Man in a Chaotic World by Jurgen
07:00 PM
Note: Light lunch will be provided. We request you register if you plan to join us for lunch.
Family hour is a joint session for everyone over the age of 12 years. If you have children between 5-11 years, a Sunday school session could be arranged.
| SESSION 4: Standing Strong in a Chaotic World (Family hour).
Closing of meetings
Jurgen and Wendy Schulz are missionaries commended from assemblies on Vancouver Island. They have served in different parts of Bolivia for more than forty years doing Church planting, Bible teaching and other ministries. They live in the city of La Paz, where Jurgen teaches in a Bible School and Wendy is engaged in a prison ministry.